Python Detailed Documentation

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Python Guide


Python is like a special language that people use to tell computers what to do. It was created by a person named Guido van Rossum in 1991, and since then, a lot of people have found it really helpful for many different things.

Here are some cool things about Python:

  • Easy to Read: Python is designed to be easy to read and write. It's like speaking in simple sentences, so it's not like talking in a secret code. This makes it friendly for beginners.
  • Works Step by Step: Python reads and follows instructions step by step, like reading a recipe. This is different from some other languages that prepare all the instructions at once. It helps us catch mistakes quickly.
  • Can Chat with the Computer: Python can talk to the computer directly. It's like having a conversation where you say something, and the computer responds right away. This makes it great for learning and testing things quickly.
  • Lots of Tools Already Included: Python comes with a big toolbox filled with useful things. So, when you want to do something, you can often find a tool in the toolbox to help you without making everything from scratch.
  • Many Friends Help Out: There are lots of people around the world who like Python and help each other. They've made extra tools and share them on the internet. It's like having a big library of toys you can use in your projects.
  • Works Everywhere*: Whether you use a Windows computer, a Mac, or something else, Python can run on it. It's like a superhero language that works everywhere.
  • No Cost: Python is free for everyone. You can download it and use it without paying anything. This makes it accessible to everyone who wants to learn.

So, Python is like a friendly, easy-to-understand language that helps us make the computer do what we want, and lots of people use it because it's like having a helpful friend in the world of coding.

History of Python

Once upon a time, in 1989, a person named Guido van Rossum, who really liked snakes, started creating a new computer programming language. He wanted to make a language that was easy to read and write, almost like writing regular English.

In 1991, Guido finished his creation and named it "Python" after the comedy group Monty Python, not the snake. Monty Python was known for being funny and a bit quirky, and Guido wanted his programming language to be fun and different too.

Python slowly started to become popular because it was so easy to learn. People liked using it for many things like making websites, doing math and science stuff, and even teaching computers how to think and learn on their own (which is called artificial intelligence).

Over the years, more and more people around the world joined in to help make Python better. They added extra features and tools, like building blocks for different tasks, and shared them with everyone. This made Python like a big playground with lots of toys for people who like to code.

Python is like a language that computers easily understand, and it's become one of the most popular languages in the world. Many companies and scientists use it for important projects because it's reliable and friendly.

So, in short, Python started as a cool idea by a person who liked snakes and jokes, and now it's a language that helps people everywhere do amazing things with computers. It's like a digital superhero in the world of coding!

Python Versions

Imagine Python is like a smartphone, and just like smartphones get updates to have new features or fix bugs, Python also gets updates. These updates are called "versions."

Python 1.0 - The First Model:

  • Released in 1994.
  • Like the first version of a new smartphone, it had basic features, but people were excited to use it.

Python 2 - More Apps and Features:

  • Released in 2000.
  • Think of it like a smartphone getting more apps and cool features. Python 2 had more tools for developers.

Python 3 - A Better Upgrade:

  • Released in 2008.
  • This is like when your phone gets a big upgrade, but not all apps from the old version work. Python 3 was a major improvement with new ways to do things.

Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 - Regular Updates:

  • Released in recent years.
  • Just like your phone gets small updates for improvements, Python 3 gets them too. Each version adds tiny tweaks and fixes.

So, Python versions are like different models of a smartphone, with each one bringing something new and better. It's good to use the latest version because it has the coolest features and fixes the problems from the older ones .

Setting Up Python

Before we start playing with Python, we need to set it up on our computer. It's like getting your gaming console ready before you can play your favorite game.

Step 1: Download Python

First, we need to download Python from the internet. It's like going to the store to buy your favorite game. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official Python website:
  2. Click on the "Downloads" tab.
  3. Find the button that says "Python 3.x.x" (the x's are numbers that might change).
  4. Click on the button to start the download.

It's like getting your hands on the game disk. Once the download is complete, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Install Python

Now that we have Python, it's time to install it on our computer. This is like putting the game disk into the console so we can start playing. Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the downloaded file, which usually appears at the bottom of your web browser.
  2. Double-click on the file to open it. You might see a window that says "Welcome to the Python Installer."
  3. Make sure to check the box that says "Add Python 3.x to PATH" (the x is a number).
  4. Click on the "Install Now" button.
  5. Wait for the installation to finish. It's like the game installing on your console.

Great! You've now installed Python on your computer. It's like having your gaming console ready to play your favorite game.

Step 3: Check Python Installation

After installing Python, it's a good idea to check if it's working properly. It's like making sure your game runs smoothly on your console. Follow these steps:

  1. Open a new command prompt or terminal window. It's like turning on your console.
  2. Type the following command and press Enter: python --version
  3. You should see the Python version number. It's like checking the game version you have. If you see the version number, Python is installed correctly.

Congratulations! You've successfully set up Python on your computer. Now you're ready to start coding and having fun!

Writing Your First Python Code

Now that we have Python installed, it's time to write our first Python code. It's like starting your favorite game and playing the first level. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Open a Text Editor

We need a place to write our Python code, just like you need a controller to play your game. You can use a simple text editor that comes with your computer, like Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on Mac.

However, it's even better to use a code editor designed for programming. Some popular ones include Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, or Atom. It's like using a specialized controller for your gaming console.

Step 2: Write Your Code

Open your chosen text or code editor and create a new file. It's like creating a new save file for your game. Type the following code exactly as it is:

```python print("Hello, Python!") ```

This simple code tells the computer to display the text "Hello, Python!" It's like starting your game and seeing the opening screen.

Step 3: Save Your File

Save your file with a .py extension. This is like saving your progress in the game. Choose a location on your computer where you can easily find the file later.

For example, you can name your file

Step 4: Run Your Code

Now it's time to run your Python code. It's like pressing the play button on your game console. Follow these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt or terminal window.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you saved your Python file. It's like selecting your game from the menu.
  3. Type the following command and press Enter: python
  4. You should see the text "Hello, Python!" displayed on the screen. It's like completing the first level of your game.

Awesome! You've just written and run your first Python code. It's like mastering the basics of your favorite game. Now you can continue exploring and creating more exciting things with Python!


Congratulations on completing the Python guide! You've taken your first steps into the world of coding and learned the basics of Python. It's like finishing the tutorial of your favorite game.

Python is a powerful and versatile language that opens up a world of possibilities. It's like having a magic wand to create whatever you can imagine in the digital realm.

As you continue your journey with Python, it's like leveling up in a game. There's always more to learn and explore. Don't be afraid to try new things and build your own projects. It's like embarking on an epic quest in the coding universe.

Remember, coding is not just about following rules; it's about creativity and problem-solving. It's like being the hero of your own story, where lines of code are your superpowers.

Keep coding, keep exploring, and most importantly, have fun on your Python adventure!

``` if you want to read full documentation download it from here


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